Mold and Its Impact on Your Lungs and Health

Mold is certainly unsightly, whether it's the black spots on your shower curtain or the slick film that forms around your kitchen sink. In any instance where there's mold, you shouldn't just be worried about aesthetics and hygiene, but your own health and wellbeing.

If you have allergies or asthma, you are particularly prone to mold-related sickness, but it's important to understand that mold can make you sick and irritate your skin, eyes, nose, and throat whether or not you have a mold allergy. It can also irritate your lungs and, over the long-term, exposure can worsen or lead to many illnesses.

Who's At Risk of a Mold Reaction?

Many people are sensitive to mold, and that means inhaling or touching mold spores can cause an allergic reaction. This reaction can vary from sneezing and a runny nose to red eyes or even a skin rash. A serious mold allergy can even induce shortness of breath and similar complications. For people with asthma and a mold allergy, an asthma attack may be caused by mold exposure.

Other groups, regardless of allergies or asthma, may also be particularly sensitive. Such as:

  • Infants

  • Children

  • The elderly

  • People with compromised immune systems, such as due to liver disease, HIV, cancer, or chemotherapy

  • People with chronic lung disease

How to Control Mold in the Home

Mold spores are naturally occurring. In fact, they're all around us, which means they're impossible to get rid of entirely. However, you can control mold by keeping relatively humidity below 60% inside with the use of a dehumidifier.

During the summer, you should run an air conditioner and keep the drip pans clean with the drain lines clear. In the cooler months, make sure you keep the air warm to prevent condensation from forming on cold surfaces. Insulating cold surfaces, like exterior walls, can also reduce condensation throughout the home.

Wet areas should be dried quickly just as leaks and water seepage should be addressed promptly. Outside, make sure that drain pipes are directed away from the house to keep excess water out of your crawl space. Lastly, make sure that you have an HVAC professional review your system to ensure everything is in proper working order.

Getting Help from The Experts

Are you interested in learning more about how you can help prevent mold inside the home and keep your house healthy? Talk to the experts to get advice on what you should be doing to ensure your home remains a safe haven, where you never have to worry about mold sparking allergies, worsening asthma, or causing health concerns.

The Author Adam Clark is the owner and operator of Shield Guard Home Inspections. Adam Clark is a local Home Inspector located in Saratoga NY that has performed over 6000 Inspections

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